From the Ground Up 2.18

07-09-18_10-59-18 AM

After I got changed, I tried to start the dishwasher. It was acting up again, so I got out my tools.

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Riley went to make sure the boys were all tucked up in bed.

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“Mom?” Jude said, “I’m sorry we stayed up, and sorry I got mad at dad. Can you tell him?”

Riley kissed him on the cheek as she tucked him up. “I will tell him, but I’m sure he knows sweetie. He knows you love him.”

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After Riley put the boys to bed, we had other things to discuss!

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The next morning, Riley was pestering Catia about the mysterious man she had been talking to the night before.

“Oh, he’s just a fan of my blog!” she said.


Speaking of Catia’s blogging, she has become quite the photographer, and took a few photos of everyone to get in a little extra practice.

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After our little “photo shoot,” Catia’s boyfriend, Phoenix, came by. You know… the one that she said it wasn’t serious?!

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“So, Glenn,” Phoenix said, “I have a question for you. It’s pretty important” He seemed a bit nervous.

“How can I help?” I asked. Then he dropped a bomb on us!

“I’d like to ask Catia to marry me! I know you’re not her dad, and these days people don’t usually ask permission, but I’d like your approval all the same.”

Riley happened to be standing nearby… “Have you talked to her about this yet?” she asked.

“Uh.. not really. I wanted it to be a surprise, and I wanted to get your permission first.”

Oh, poor Phoenix! What will Catia say to all this?

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When Catia came in from outside, we all went into the kitchen to give them some privacy, while Phoenix asked her the most important question of his life.


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Later that evening, Catia told us the “news,” and we congratulated her and told her we already knew.

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“If this is what you really want, then I’m happy for you Cat!” I said, and pulled her into a hug.

“It is!” she said, as she squeezed me back.


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